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Lesson 26
Teaching aims
1.To command the words about clothes and the patterns in the dialogue.
2.Try to use the patterns to make dialogues.
3.Develop the ss’ good habit of being polite in their real life.
Focal Points
Command the four-skill words and the patterns in the dialogue.
Difficult points
Try to use the patterns to make dialogues and use them in real life.
Teaching tools
CAI ,a computer, some objects
Teacher’s  Action
Teaching Aims
Step 1
1.Free talk.
Create a real circumstance to use English. Arouse the ss’ interest of learning English
Arouse the ss’ attention to learn.
Step 2
1.Listen and sing the “Birthday” song.
 “Today is Lisa’s birthday. I want to give a present to Lisa. Guess: what’s in the box?”
2.Learn to say the sentence: What’s in it?
3.Guess the answers freely.
4.Learn to say: Open it and see.
5.Make dialogues with students :What’s in it? Open it and see. Oh, a hat.
6.Learn to write the word: hat.
7.Draw a picture: A dress, learn to say and write.
8.Emphasize the differences between the words skirt and dress.
9.Make sentences with dress.
10.The same way to learn “blouse”.
11.Chant with the new words.
12.Say some more words about clothes.
13.Play a game :Listen and color.
14.A fashion show.
15.Watch TV, try to answer: What’s for Lisa’s birthday?
16.Answer the question with their own words.
17. Read the text by themselves, circle the difficult words and sentences.
18. Solve the difficulties.
19.Listen and follow the tape.
20. Read the text in groups.
21. Report in groups.
22. Fulfill the tasks in groups.
23. Discuss in groups, make new dialogues with new points .
24. Act out .
Try to create a real circumstance of learning at the beginning.
To command the focal points clearly.
Four-skill the words.
Arouse the ss’ interest of learning.
To command the words effectively.
Develop the ability of imagination.
Arouse the ss’ interest of learning.
Develop the ability of creation.
Improve the ss’ ability of listening.
Arouse the ss’ interest of learning.
Improve the ss’ ability of self-learning..
Try to help all the students command the main points, especially the weak ones.
Improve the ability of reading as well as understanding.
To use the patterns in a real situation.
Develop the ability of cooperation efficiently.
1.To listen, read and act out the text.
2.To preview Lesson 27.
3.To write and master the four-skill words: hat, dress.
Increase the ss’ ability of listening, reading, speaking, writing .
Form a good habit of learning English after school.
Design on the blackboard.
Lesson 26
               What’s in it?
               Open it and see.
               Oh, a hat!